2 January 2019

Why I Set New Year's Resolutions and How to Stick to Yours

Hello 2019, it's lovely to see you! Although 2018 was a pretty fantastic year, I am so incredibly excited for what 2019 has in store.

Since it's a brand, spanking new year, I thought I would have a little chat with you all about new years resolutions. Some people love them, some people make them because they think they have to, and some just don't like the full stop.

I used to be in the middle category. I made them because I thought that's what I had to do, and I never really managed to continue my whole year with the resolution in tack. But not any more!

I love to make resolutions as I feel the new year is an opportunity to try and better yourself. I'm a huge believer in self-improvement, and honestly, think that anyone can stick to the resolutions with enough willpower.
But, one very important thing to consider is how completely the resolution is. If you actually want to stick to your resolution make it measurable. What I mean by this is rather than saying "exercise more" or "eat more vegetables", have a measurable aspect of it. Turn "exercise more" into "exercise 3 times a week" or "eat more vegetables" into "eat 5 pieces of fruit and veg a day". by doing this you can actually keep track as to whether or not you are sticking to your resolutions, and can pull yourself back up if you are slacking.

Another very important thing to remember is to make them realistic. Don't tell yourself that you're going to workout 6 days a week for 2 hours a day if you're just starting to get into exercise. You will end up resenting it, and won't stick to it, and then you might feel disappointed that you didn't see it through. Instead, say you will exercise 3 times a week for half an hour a day, and slowly build up. I see resolutions as a way to create new, healthy habits. Habits aren't made overnight but over doing something regularly over a period of time.

While I want you to have realistic resolutions, I also see resolutions as an opportunity to challenge yourself. This year mine include: exercising 3 times a week, getting a 2.1 in my degree, only drink one cup of coffee a day (eek!) and drinking 2 litres of water. All of these are achievable, but none are ones I am going to achieve by sitting here and doing nothing. I have to work hard to do them. Yes, even the water! I am good at drinking water, but I don't think I drink 2 litres. So I have to make a conscious effort to do so.

I hope I have inspired you to make a resolution for the coming year, even if it is a small one, like drinking 2 litres of water a day. Be sure to let me know what yours are this year down in the comments! And let me know how you get one with them. Happy New Year, may 2019 be a cracker of a year!


*Yes, I am making the most out of my christmas content! (aha)


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